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Getting Started
Michał Karmelita avatar
Written by Michał Karmelita
Updated over a week ago

This guide will walk you through the steps needed to quickly create and customize your mobile app, ensuring it perfectly aligns with your brand's look and feel.

Step 1: Design Your App

Upload Your App Icon

  • Where to Go: Find the Design section on your dashboard.

  • What to Do: Click on Application Icon and select Select file to upload your app icon.

  • Important Note: Make sure your icon is 1080 x 1080 px, without transparency, to ensure it looks great across all devices.

Select Your Theme Style

  • Navigation: Stay in the Design area.

  • Action: Look for the Choose Theme option.

  • Choices: Pick from three distinct theme styles that resonate with your brand's aesthetic.

Customize Your Theme Colors

  • Location: Within the Design section, find the Colors area.

  • Customization: Use the color sliders to adjust your app's primary and secondary colors.

  • Preview: See your color changes in real time to get the perfect match for your brand.

Step 2: Configure App Settings

Provide Essential URLs

  • Where to Find It: Go to the Settings tab.

  • Details: Fill in the necessary URLs under Required Links for your:

    • Privacy Policy

    • Terms & Conditions

    • Refund Policy

  • Why It Matters: These links are vital for maintaining compliance and providing essential information to your users.

Step 3: Prepare for App Store Submission

Finalize Store Settings

  • Final Step: Navigate to the Build section.

  • Action Required: Input all the necessary information needed for submitting your app to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

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